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Thera are many things that sets us apart from other tutoring companies:


Consistency: Having the same tutor for every session is incredibly important for several reasons, with consistency being one of the most significant benefits. When a student works with the same tutor consistently, they build a rapport and trust that allows for a more effective learning environment. We achieve this by picking tutors that are not only high achievers, but also responsible and organised.


A dedicated tutor coordinator: While university students are certainly capable of providing excellent tutoring, it's important to note that their primary focus is on their education. That's why our tutor coordinator is essential to our success.

With over 10 years of experience in tutoring, she supervises the tutors, tracks the progress of every student and sends progress updates to parents/guardians. 

You can rest assured that your child is receiving the best possible tutoring experience.


Term based, not session based: With our term based approach we can plan a comprehensive tutoring program for your child, rather than just addressing individual topics on a session-by-session basis. This means that we can set long-term goals and create a curriculum that is tailored to your child's specific needs and learning style.



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